
Gender Inequality And Racial Prejudice

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Gender inequality and racial prejudice are alive and well in the United States and around the world despite the strides that have been made here over the past fifty years. Over time fixed notions about gender differences have been interwoven into the fabric of society, each leading to complex interactions among people. Traditionally, most of these rigid views have supported the dominance of men and the subservience of women in most social structures. In her article entitled: Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color, Kimberle Williams Crenshaw introduced the term “Intersectionality.” Intersectionality is the theory that different types of discriminations interact with one another. This notion goes hand in hand with Judith Butler’s ideas described her article titled “Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory” which uses the term “gender acts” and deciphers a probable cause of various discriminatory practices encountered in contemporary society. Since both gender inequality and racial inequality share a common thread, I believe that what intersectionality represents will help understand Judith Butler’s view on gender classification and the dynamic it has caused on our social and political formation.
If intersectionality is a theoretical framework explaining discrimination, Butler would highlight that gender classification is implicit in it, by explaining that the term

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