
Gender Inequality In Persepolis

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Persepolis is a coming of age story for Marji living in the middle of the Iranian war and adapting to the changes to both her culture and her personal life. Inequality between genders is heavily discussed within the story, as well as the struggles between the fundamentalist ideas and customs compared to the less extreme morals of some families: it is shown through the simplistic, but effective images by Satrapi. Marji notices the many differences between equality for all genders, and how one sided and strict the rules towards it can be. The women must wear veils in public at all times and must refrain showing too much skin, so they don’t “tempt” men. This rule is not accepted by Marji and her family, and find the rule absurd. The opinion on the veil started as it was required to wear in school. In the first chapter, “The Veil,” Marji comments on the first opinion on the veil. “We didn’t really like to wear the veil, especially since we didn’t understand why we had to.” (Satrapi, 3). Marji really expresses her opinion on women’s rights and how strict they are compared to men’s in the chapter “The Convocation.” She points out to the administration how one sided the rights are and how things are unfair. In her own words “ Why is it that, as a woman, am expected to feel nothing when watching these men with their clothes sculpted on but they, as men can get excited by two inches less of my head-scarf?” ( Satrapi, 297). This explains that women are suppose to compose

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