
Hilary Lips Gender Pay Gap

Decent Essays

When debating about gender equality in the US, there is one statistical data always pop-up “women earn 77 cents for every dollar men make.” To emphasize the point of the argument, women do not make less than men do, they earn less than men do. The diction in this argument stresses the important of what to look for statistically. Although the article, “The Gender Wage Gap: Debunking the Rationalizations”, by Hilary Lips successfully emphasizes the adversities, difficulties, and controversies in assessing the gender wage gap, Lips could further emphasize where gender pay gap originate.

Hilary Lip's article addresses many question when it comes to the wage gap. According to Lips (2009) while higher education increases women's earning, there is no evidence that higher levels of education have any impact on gender wage gap. Although the strong statement will influence the reader's perception of the situation, Lips should have supported her statement with actual statistical data. It is one thing to say it, but another when there is hard evidence on the table. When education level could no longer be used to justify the gender wage gap, studies started focusing on the field of degree earning. According to the report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers (2014), women are earning less than men are when entering the workforce after completing a college degree. Although “men and women with professional degrees have similar earning in their 20s, …show more content…

More importantly, this is not just a women’s issue and it is not a zero-sum game. The labor-market conditions that will generate convergence in pay between genders – the technological and institutional changes that reduce the cost of temporal flexibility – will make life better for almost

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