
Gender Roles And The Attributes Of A Person

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Gender roles and the attributes that a person is believed to need, in order to be male or female, has at times, affected me negatively throughout my life. I never questioned my gender as a child, but made the connection that our society views femininity with being biologically born female and masculinity with being male. I didn 't have much of a problem going outside of my assigned gender roles as that is what my parents exposed me to. My father though, he fits the traditional roles of a man; going to work and providing for his family, did many things that are considered women 's roles: taking care of his kids, cooking, cleaning, he was very nurturing and often did not discipline us as harshly as my mother, etc. My mother seemed to fit …show more content…

This was an issue throughout high school though, there I met other girls that were like me. I was still teased for not being feminine enough. My freshman year of high school I was in a play with a children 's theater that I was working with, as at that time I dreamed of becoming an actress. I was a fairy in the play Flash Gordon and while rehearsing the pianist told me that I should practice my role with a "higher voice" as my role was feminine and my voice was “too deep and masculine like a boy". This was the first time I ever really felt that my attributes were a problem. I then associated being feminine with having a high voice.

My gender was often questioned by my traits after this. People often called me like a "boy in a dress". This was followed by individuals making connections to my sexuality. With outside sources telling me that I wasn 't like “a real girl” yet, “too girly” to be a boy from males I struggled with the terms feminine and masculine as well as boy and girl. I never identified myself as either feminine or masculine nor female or male. I just always figured that was how you were born and you chose for yourself. I always just viewed myself as just a human, just Mounia. My experience with having my traits analyzed by others relates to that of Leslie Feinberg in Feinberg’s work “We Are All Works in Progress” (1998).

The degree of misunderstanding that Leslie Feinberg experienced was based solely off

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