
Gender Roles In Anton Chekhov And Tender Offer By Charlotte Bronte

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At the time of its publication in October of 1847, the author of Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte, duped the public and concealed her identity of a striving female novelist by introducing her works under the masculine pseudonym of Currer Bell. Indeed, women writing during the XIXth century were viewed as highly subversive, they would that way be voluntarily breaking out of the prefabricated situation contrived for their gender and trespassing on forbidden territory. A territory in which only men were thought capable of tackling activities such as literature or sciences which required talent and ingenuity. When women like Amantine Dupin or Charlotte Bronte dared to traverse these deep rooted boundaries, when their camouflage as George Sand and Currer Bell were respectively unveiled, and when it became indisputable that women were much more adept than they were previously thought to be, the audience researched the masculine aspect within their writing, the male savior, whether he be a lover, a friend, or a brother; quite an understandable inquiry when taking consideration of the era pending at the time in which gender roles were sharply defined and in which melodramatic novels were still very much of actuality such as The Brute by Anton Chekhov or Tender Offer by Louisa May Alcott. Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte, nonetheless, did not provide such a character in her novels

II. A Feminist Protagonist

A principal characteristic of the novel, which is mainly

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