
Genitalia Essay

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Since the beginning of time, gender has always been divided into two categories, either male or female, with few instances that have stepped in between. As civilization has evolved, it has began to learn that this division is a lie, and that it is disgusting, disgraceful, hurtful and untrue at its rotten core. This is because this “division” has never counted for anything but a label and a set of roles as a stereotype, which was unjustly assigned at birth in a societal attempt to conform each and every unique soul into a shape that they cannot fully fit. There should not exist such standards and expectations that do not account for anything besides what one's body has to say, without asking the mind of the thoughtless vessel known as the body. …show more content…

First and foremost, a person’s genitalia does not and cannot define their gender, as gender is an expression and is unrelated to genitalia. One’s assigned sex at birth, based solely off of genitalia, is defined as that person’s ‘cisgender’(insert citation). This may be different from the gender one expresses themselves as. People who must represent themselves as their cisgender are enslaved into their body; they are stuck in place, being restrained by the crushing weight of a ball and chain of societal values, with no say as to what they truly believe they are. Each and every individual suffers, knowing they do not pertain to any kind of body that which they identify with. Ignorant parents and doctors find themselves misgendering their children at birth, and as an unfortunate consequence, for the rest of their lives. The child never is able to express their opinion as what they themselves may identify as. One possible example of a parent showing at least a shred of respect for their newborn could be showing their baby the color spectrum and allow them to pick their favorite color that represents a gender. That is one of the ideal …show more content…

Not only is it inconsiderate to label somebody with something they do not identify with, but it is also illegal in States such as California(place citation here). People deserve to be recognized as who they desire to be, it is difficult enough for each special individual to realize their burdens of identifying as a different gender! To assume is PAINFUL enough equal to the hecticsex of hellisexuals, with such collateral damage which tears at each others helicopter blades. An example of what one should aspire to be is seen in Caitlyn Jenner. She is a prominent member of the “LGBTIQCAPGNGFNBA” (CITATION) community and a complete and total hero. she broke free from the torturing binds of the name“Bruce” and the male gender(CITATION?). No matter how they may look or act, all people are unique beings. It is unfair to take one’s right away to express themselves in one instance and not another, like religion. The human race can range from identifying with the opposite gender, to identifying with objects such as apache attack helicopters (hellisexuals). The exquisite unicorns such as the “LGBTIQCAPGNGFNBA” crowd should not be bound by any assumptious or labels which could possibly group them with any type of majority. Labeling reflects disgustingly on the person, showing inconsiderance as to do so. Calling a senior citizen “Sir”, as polite

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