
Gender Roles In Les Miserables And Les Miserables

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Throughout generations, the idea of gender roles can be found. Every person in their own particular way has an image entered into their head of how the parts of every gender should be played. In both Les Misérables and The Kite Runner gender roles are most certainly evident and seemingly stereotypical. In Les Misérables the fundamental hero, Jean Valjean is depicted as a man that was vigorously assembled and can lift overwhelming items, one of the most famous male stereotypes. All through The Kite Runner, Afghani young men are required to be athletic, social, certain, and in charge, much the same as their fathers. They are also expected to provide and make decisions for their families. In both novels, the female roles also tend to appear stereotypical. In Les Miserables, the female characters appear to be made for the men in the story to spare, feel sorry for or overlook. Even though Fantine was one of the most prominent roles within the novel, her presence and time within the story are very short lived and viewed very low key in comparison to the other male roles within the story. In The Kite Runner, the female roles are not as prominent as the men’s roles, and as a societal norm, women’s roles are dictated by the men to be portrayed as lesser individuals compared to their male counterparts. Within the story of Les Miserables, there is significant inequality of the gender roles of the male and female. In Les Miserables, the female characters are given smaller

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