
Gender Roles : Moll Flanders

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Among countless disparities present in 17th century England, one of the most prevalent differences was in gender roles. As a woman, Moll seemed to be troubled with more burdens and pressures than men. What remained constant was having females be subordinate, no matter if they were in a position of poverty or prosperity. This is why in Defoe’s novel, Moll Flanders, the protagonist would have experienced greater difficulty if she had been male. Nothing controlled a community more than money so when men take the central role in a community they become in control of most of the money. Women had their beauty while men had their assets. While Moll may have gotten blessed with beauty and natural talent, she was never looked to as a provider for others and had the luxury of being selfish with her wealth. From the git go we see the stereotypical characteristics of a female emit empathy in another female. When Moll hides from the Gypsies in Colchester, Essex, she gets the attention of one of the magistrates who is so moved with compassion she arrange for Moll to be provided for. “...being not above three Years old, Compassion mov’d the Magistrates of the Town to order some Care to be taken of me, and I became one of their own, as much as if i had been born in the Place” (Defoe 8). While women’s innocence and instinctual maternal reaction may have reached the threshold for action, it’s unfair to speculate she wouldn’t have done the same be it a little boy. Regardless, being a girl

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