
Gender Stereotypes In Hip-Hop Music

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In today society’s hip-hop music exemplifies the various changes and developments in ideologies in media content over the past 30 years. It seems that African Americans within the hip-hop industry have allowed masculinity to become a natural characteristic, not just for male artists but also female rappers. According to Journalist, Sasaki-Picou, she believes that, “viewing the construction of gender in the past reveals the central role that gender occupies in the construction of black identity.” Generally speaking, male rappers focused their music on the known factors in the hip-hop industry: “money, power, and sex.” Still to this day, I believe male rappers create their lyrics from the foundation of those specific elements. Those three elements all tie into the demoralizing of our women today. In hip-hop music, what is revealed is men’s dependence on women, specifically the way male rappers …show more content…

Could West be showing a bias act because his wife, Kim Kardashian, is a white women? In addition to comments made on the blog posts, an anonymous blogger states, “That’s why West lyricizes about black women in songs the way he does because he lacks respect for them, simply because of his stereotypical beliefs in African American women.” According to commentators and critics in the media, West’s lyrics are often overlooked, the attention he draws (as in his lyrics from “Hell of a Life”) to the woman’s desire for African American men. West is consistent with stating in several of his lyrics or conveying a message that reveals African American men as being gendered, vulnerable, and exploitable from the very desire of many women both black and white. In result, give men the power that they are

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