
Gender Stereotypes In Jamaica Kincaid's 'Girl'

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Blue Girls and Pink Boys Outside of one’s reproductive organs, what makes a male, male and a female such? The difference between the two genders many times reach further than this distinction. Despite this, society has a myriad of generalizations and stereotypes harmful to individuals that dictate how both males and females act and feel. Gender stereotypes are harmful because they ascribe personality traits and characteristics based on gender alone and work to limit the personal development of that individual. The story “The Man Who Was Almost A Man” by Richard Wright, “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid and various other sources help further develop this point of view.

To better understand gender stereotypes, one must first understand how and why they are formed. To begin, it is mentally more efficient to simply generalize groups when juxtaposed with considering the behavior of individuals of a particular group, It takes a lot less time too simply categorize a group as a whole. Msu also states “it satisfies the need to understand and predict the social world. You no longer need to wonder what each individual is like (understand), or what he or she is likely to do (predict). All of this is …show more content…

To reiterate, stereotypes are an oversimplified view of a complex world. The distinction of male and female goes beyond just reproductive organs.There is an internal aspect that is not accounted for. Just because someone has a specific sex organ does not necessarily mean they identify with the gender that organ is associated with. Gender identity as opposed to gender being decided based on how you were born has grown in popularity in recent years. While this has yet to rid the world of gender stereotypes and the belief that males and females act a certain way, it renders the idea more asinine than it already

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