
General Revelation Frances Young Analysis

Decent Essays

Universal/General Revelation
Psalm 19:1: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” God has made Himself known. He has placed a longing to know Him inside each and every human being. This longing can only be fully filled by Him.

Millard J. Erickson General revelation, “refers to God’s self-manifestation through nature, history, and the inner being of the human person. It is general in two senses: its universal availability (it is accessible to all persons at all times) and the content of the message (it is less particularized and detailed than special revelation).” Satan has placed a veil over human’s eyes. Therefore the general revelation may at times go unnoticed and not be seen as pointing to God. …show more content…

From such a title one would assume that there would be much written on revelation both general and specific. Instead, Young states, “God’s presence is inevitably ambiguous and hidden.”

Summary Statement
God’s general revelation is powerful. However, God’s general revelation can be seen more clearly once one has experienced God’s specific revelation and has chosen to follow Him. God has revealed Himself in nature, in humankind, and in history. Yet, I can see this as my heart trusts in God as the Creator of all things who is sovereign. The longing within each and every one of us desires for more of God. He has placed within each of us a belief that there must be something more.

Jesus’ commission to His disciples was to go into all the earth. Satan has veiled the eyes of humankind so that though the general revelation of God produces a longing within their heart, without specific revelation, they will not come to know Him. God works in powerful ways beyond our imagination. However, He loves to use His people to bring specific revelation of who He is to those who do not know Him.

Imago …show more content…

The Trinity was apart of creating mankind in their image. Humankind was given work and dominion over all things.

Frances Young
Each is made in God’s image, this also conspires with modern individualism, encouraging people to assert their rights no matter what their race, religion, or impairment. This may enhance dignity and respect for those who are not white, male, able-bodied and intelligent, but such individualism tends to exacerbate the prejudice that, since we’re made in God’s image, we should all be perfect. Failure to reach notional perfection is then problematic. How can this person, who has physical or mental defects, be made in God’s image?

Young goes on to discuss the ambiguity in saying that one is created in the image of God. Who decides to what degree a human is made in His image? Who decides who is the closest to the image of God? “The likeness is left incomplete, precisely so that ‘you may complete yourself’. Christianity is ‘likeness to God as far as it is possible for human nature.’” Young quotes portions of the sermon on the mount and ends questioning if that is being in His image.

Summary Statement
God is my Creator. I am created in His image. In His image, I have dignity, worth, responsibility, and

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