
Generational Conflict In Father And Son By Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

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Culture is the sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another. Culture is transmitted, through language, material objects, ritual, institutions, and art, from one generation to the next. Because the processes of cultural formation are all different, culture is very diverse, for example; human culture, national culture, generation culture, and family culture. Since there are various cultures, cultural conflicts arise. These cultural conflicts can be easily seen around us as other forms of conflict. The best example of cultural conflict is generational conflict. Because each generation is different in the process of formation, each generation has its own culture. If the generations are different, they do not understand their culture. That is why the generational conflict happens. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev's novel, "Father and Son," is a Russian novel that focuses on the generational conflict, with a detailed observation of the ideological conflicts in the upheaval Russia. The most common conflict between conservatism and progressivism is solved by general conflicts such as the generation of the father and the generation of the son, and the consensus is raised.
The origin of Turgenev's Father and Son was 'Fathers and Sons'. It is plural, not singular. It is not just about a father or a son, but about the 'father' as an older generation and the 'sons' as a new generation. Fathers are strong in conservative tendencies and do not want the

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