
Generational Differences In Older Generations

Decent Essays

“We didn’t have birthdays like you growing up.” I was gripped from the beginning of this interview to learn about the generational differences between me and my grandmother. Donna McGuire, my grandmother, has led a very different life than mine own due to multiple generation gaps and geographical differences. This interview really enlightened me about the struggles that people went through in previous years and how their childhoods were so drastically different than ours. What was really eye opening about this interview was that not only how technology has changed how we live but the evolution of society that makes older generations seem so distant even though the difference in years is only around 60 years. Her first memory as a child is running through farms in her bare feet in rural Wisconsin, which is one of her most fond ones at that. She was a very bright young student, being the first girl chosen to be on a baseball team and received very good grades and was involved in other extracurricular activities such as the yearbook and the school newspaper for a brief stint. On her street growing up, birthday parties were not a celebration as they are today, instead an opportunity for the kids on the street to get together and eat ice cream and cupcakes, “I never had a party where we did pin the tail on the donkey or hired a clown or anything like that, I just remember being happy when it was my turn to dole out the cupcakes and ice cream.” It was a different time and

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