
Genesis 18: 20-21

Decent Essays

1-2: The phrase “after these things” refers to the vision of Babylon’s demise in Revelation 18:20-24, as this is the chapter now tells of the destruction of the beast and the false prophet. Since the voice is described “as a great voice” instead of simply a great voice, this may inform the reader that the speaker is a heavenly host telling John of heavenly realities. The praise that is offered is because of God’s “true and righteous” judgments, which references Psalm 19:9. God has given the great prostitute what she deserves by avenging the blood of the saints, in Greek “exacted in retribution,” which references Genesis 9:5, as the great harlot pays for her unholy spilling of blood in full.

3-5: The saints cry out Hallelujah a second …show more content…

Christ now is going into his final triumph, and in righteousness he judges the wicked and wages war, alluding to God’s vindication of his people in Psalm 9:8. The many crowns that he hears are “royal crowns” of the King of Kings, and show that he has power over all the heavens and the earth. The dragon and the beast wear similar crowns in Revelation 13:1 and represent the devil’s “false [claim] of sovereignty,” while Jesus’ reign is perfect in nature. This name that Jesus has that no one else knows may refer to the new name that believers are given in the new kingdom, and this may reference Isaiah 62:2-3, where “Jerusalem will receive a new name, a diadem, and a crown” for becoming the bride of God. Jesus’ robe is dipped in blood, referring to Jesus death on the cross, and possibly to the blood of His foes. While either may be possible, and both are likely, the blood on his robe is likely a reference to his death on the cross, as it is difficult to picture blood on His robe without thinking of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. The fact that He is called “the Word of God” references that He is the Godhead and judge over the entire earth, as the rider will judge people based on the Word of

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