
Genesis Vs Gilgamesh Research Paper

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Ancient Hebrew people living in Mesopotamia believed that the sky was another body of water and that there was a dome protecting them from the water spilling out. Their culture wasn't very scientifically advanced. This belief made the perception of how the flood started different than an everyday rainstorm. Since the sky was a dome leading to the body of water above, the flood came when God let open the doors on the dome and let the water out. Their view is shown in this verse in Genesis: “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month: on that day All fountains of the great abyss burst forth, and the floodgates of the sky were opened” (Genesis 7:11). Ancient Hebrew people believed that …show more content…

This section was also originally written in Hebrew and has been translated into many different languages and again most likely doesn’t translate directly. Genesis doesn't have a clear author, but it is believed to be Moses. Although we do not know who directly wrote Genesis, the beliefs of the time period are shown in the text. Thus, we Genesis and there is always a possibility that what is written down is completely different than what actually …show more content…

Large arks are built to hold humans and animals to save humanity from extinction. “Noah and the Flood” is shown as a monotheistic story whereas “The Great Flood” is polytheistic. The values of the Ancient Mesopotamians and Ancient Hebrews are also similar. They believed in a higher power that controls everything and were all very religious. The dome structure of the world was also believed by both cultures. These stories share many commonplaces but also have distinct

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