
Genetic Engineering Is Not Ethical Analysis

Decent Essays

According to “Are biotechnology…,” the science of genetic engineering can be defined as “the process of introducing, eliminating, or changing an organism’s genetic material.” But as this article also states, this idea of editing an organism’s characteristics is nothing new. Selective breeding, for example, haws been common in society for a long time. Hitchings mentions the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing system which is just one example of many different systems available. As this science has gained popularity, ethical concerns have been brought up, along with a debate on if these concerns prove it to be unethical. Although some scientist claim that the medical and economic benefits outweigh the many risks, genetic engineering is not ethical because of the moral issues surrounding …show more content…

Anthes sates that, for example, genetically modified animals will be safe, cheaper alternatives for people to eat that could help the wild populations replenish. Ormandy agrees that that will benefit by saying that this technology could increase the quality, and help some be more nutritionally valuable. In “Are biotechnology…,” the author also brings up the genetic modification could help end world hunger. Critics have a valid point in stating that the benefits appear great economically, but one must consider the evidence against these claims. “Are biotechnology…” also says that studies have shown that humans have gotten sick from consuming genetically modified food. This directly contradicts the counter argument’s claim. Later in the article, a quote is used to state that statistic show that over the past 20 years, yields have not raised in number since the incorporation of modified food. Therefore, genetically modified food will not help end world hunger. This is an extremely hard burden to overcome, and it will take a lot more than just a little surplus of food to get rid of

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