
Genghis Grill's Mongolian Foods

Satisfactory Essays

Well, I have tried so many foods in many restaurants but I think one of the best is called Genghis Grill and it's Mongolian food and it's in Austin, Texas.
For me is one of the best restaurants ever because you can choose practically anything from the "menu".
I'll explain how it works. When you go in to the restaurant there is a hostess that asks you about which size of plate do you want, there are small, medium and large then you go to a bar of food, for instance in the bar it's a separation of protein for example, meat, pork, shrimps, squid etc; but all of this is raw anyways you choose what you like and put it into the plate furthermore there is another section of vegetables (raw too), one more seasoning section, sausages and finally you

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