
Genre Analysis: The 100 And The Walking Dead

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Man’s Will to Survive
Genre Analysis (Paper 2)
Genre-Post Apocalypse
The American post-apocalypse drama TV shows “The 100 “developed and produced by Jason Rothenberger, and “The Walking Dead” developed and produced by Frank Darabont, embodies the true nature of man’s will to survive. Through countless acts of heroism, life altering decisions, and sheer instinct the characters of these two shows do what they must in order to stay alive and preserve humanity. The heroic characters of these two shows, “The 100” and “The Walking Dead,” with their wills to survive, are ensuring that the human race be around for the next generation. Since the era of the cave man, man has been evolving, and learning how to stay alive. Man discovered fire in order to stay warm and cook, built shelters to evade the cold and the rain, and formulated weapons in order to hunt and fight off predators. And in these post-apocalyptic television shows, they do exactly the same thing. They …show more content…

In the face of innate danger and doom, surrounded by an overwhelming amount of flesh eating zombies, referred to as walkers and the threat of having no way out, Rick goes out alone and begins taking on what seem like thousands of walkers all by his lonesome. Showing this sheer bravery and instinct needed to rally his pack, his neighbors, his friends, his family, and even previous enemies bound by the ties of maintaining and preserving life rallies to his aide. He allows everyone to see his vulnerabilities and that he is willing to die for them, and they in turn come to his aide willing to die for themselves. In this episode Rick was able to take the weakest, the most cowardice, frail, and most underhanded and give them the will to fight. Rick’s fearlessness and fed up with running attitude, gave his pack, his post apocalypse family the will to

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