
Geocaching Research Paper

Decent Essays

Geocaching is a game in which players search for hidden objects by using GPS coordinates that are posted on the internet. Gamers travel to different places around the world in order to find the object. The hidden objects can be located anywhere from a cemetery to a major highway. Many controversies have begun to arise due to the fact that the objects are being hidden in private properties. When geocaching first began the GPS wasn’t accurate, which caused players to not find the hidden objects. In the source titled Geocaching it states, “Before that year, selective availability, or the intentional disruption of satellite signals to GPS units causing errors for up to 328 feet (100 m), was in place for United States security purposes”. In order for the game to be played properly the people participating must have the correct coordinates to find the hidden object. The game was originally named “GPS Stash Hunt” and it started off with just a few people. It is now specified as geocaching, the word “geo” meaning geography and “caching” which is the process it takes to hide a cache. …show more content…

The game can be an event that is done with family members, or even a group of friends, but even though it’s an outdoor game, technology is still involved. It can be risky in the sense that people can locate where you are, because of the use of the GPS. Also, the hidden object can be in places that are not suitable for non gamers. James Gunsalus states, “South Carolina has proposed fining people $100 for placing caches without permission in cemeteries or historic sites”, this clearly shows the part that is not fun when it comes to geocaching. Getting in trouble with the law for playing a game isn’t worth it. Gamers don’t realize the bad part that comes with playing the

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