
Geometry Scholarship Essay

Decent Essays

Geometry, why did she take it a year early when she knew too well that she struggled in math? She was pressured by her parents, teachers recommended her, and her friends expected her to take on the challenge of geometry as a freshman. It was the first week of high school full of excitement and confusion. She knew from the start that she would struggle, but could she pull through? Was a passing grade within her reach? She always had a horrified look on her face during fourth period, for she had taken notes, done the homework with ease, attended after school tutoring but constantly drew a blank when exams were announced and taken. Exams read 'D' after 'D', week after week.
Geometry was the only class she struggled with, all A's in every single other academic class, but geometry never seemed to get better. Sleepless nights not just studying but drowning herself in the thought that she may not pass the class. Constantly crying herself to sleep because she knew that if that one 'C' was unattainable she'd receive the first failing grade in her life, have to face her enraged parents, irritated A.V.I.D teachers, forced to re-take the course, and be placed in a blended-learning online class. …show more content…

Finals filled her mind ninety-five percent of the time, studying and studying was all she did for hours every day. The only class that truly worried her was geometry. Was all the time she spent getting tutored, staying after class asking questions, and studying the topics night and day worth it? Was the passing grade she yearned for in reach at this point in the year? She felt confident about her final exam, and the pending final grade tortured her during the winter break, it was the only thing she could think about. When reports cards arrived not only was she disappointed in herself, but her work. She knew she could have done better, but could she

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