Orwell effectively conveys the rise of communism in Russia throughout the book Animal Farm by the accurate elucidation of the context in the Soviet Union from 1917-1945. Orwell’s attitude and political view towards Russia is evident in his representation of the farm animals on Communist Party leaders: Napoleon and Snowball, for example, are figurations of Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky, respectively. He expresses the anthropomorphic characters of farm animals, and major events in Animal Farm such as the Rebellion and the construction of the windmill, reminiscent of the Russian Revolution and the “Five-Year Plans”. Orwell also uses many techniques to describe the crucial points in Animal Farm by metaphoric language and allegorical means …show more content…
The pigs then introduce “The Seven Commandments of Animalism” and write them on the barn wall; soon the main idea is captured in the minds of all the animals, “FOUR LEGS GOOD, TWO LEGS BAD”. The character of Squealer is intriguing because he is described as a manipulator and persuader, also Napoleon’s key “spokespig”. Orwell even narrates, “He could turn black into white.” Squealer is best correlated with the Pravda, the Russian newspaper of the 1930s. Since propaganda was a key to many publications, and there were no television or radio, the newspaper was the primary source of media information. Stalin’s control over the Pravda made it give out false information so people were convinced to keep following under Stalin’s dictatorship and the Pravda also worked for Stalin to support his image as a “good leader”. In Animal Farm, Squealer abuses language to justify Napoleon’s actions and policies to the proletariat (working class) by whatever means seem necessary. Whenever the animals seem confused about a situation, Squealer always manages to convince the animals that they are wrong and that “Napoleon is always right”. An example of this is when Squealer is alters the Seven Commandments to account for the pigs’ humanisation, which represents the Soviet government’s modification of the communist theory to make it more a reformation of capitalism than a
Napoleon’s and Squealer’s characteristics and skills, which are very different from each other, put together is a recipe for disaster. Napoleon is “… not much of a talker, [and has] a reputation for getting his own way.” (p 16) He is determined to get anything he puts is hooves on by any means necessary. Whereas Squealer is a “… brilliant talker…” (p 16) and it has even been said about him that “he could turn white to black” (p 16) just by his persuasive talk alone. These two different characteristics combined can arouse a large mass of animals to do their bidding. The pig duo, who are aware of their individual skills, work off one each
Napoleon’s disastrous reign only supports Orwell’s idea that revolutions always fail, tyrants are only replaced, and a new government is never established. Napoleon is a cruel ruler who, fearful of Snowball’s return, executes all the animals who “confess” to being in league with Snowball. Napoleon uses Squealer as a propaganda spreader to the other animals of the farm. Squealer tells the animals how wonderful life is on the farm, when in fact they
Squealer, which is Napoleon’s spokesperson has “very round cheeks, twinkling eyes, nimble movements and shrill voice” which makes him the perfect animal to persuade the other animals. In Animal Farm by George Orwell, propaganda is used to take advantage of the simple-minded animals to help Napoleon and the pigs gain and
For the pigs to maintain their popularity with the other animals, Squealer secretly paints additions to some commandments to benefit the pigs while keeping them free of accusations of breaking the laws (such as "No animal shall drink alcohol" having "to excess" added to it and "No animal shall sleep in a bed" with "with sheets" added to it). Eventually the laws are replaced with "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others", and "Four legs good, two legs
In the story Animal Farm, Orwell uses both symbolism and communism to closely relate to the Russian Revolution. Orwell inscribes characters in the book such as Snowball and Napoleon to show what the Russian Revolution truly is. She also closely relates them to leaders involved in the revolution. Without Orwell's use of symbolism and communism in the story, readers wouldn't get a good understanding of what the Russian Revolution truly was.
George Orwell’s allegorical novella, Animal Farm is a satirical retelling of the events leading up to the 1917 Russian Revolution and the rise of Stalin. After the animals rebel against Mr. Jones and his employees, they set up a government constituted by “Animalism”, which in its raw state parallels the basic principles of socialism. In order to govern them, they create basic laws meant to unify them known as, “The Seven Commandments”, which they write on the outer wall of the barn. However, the pigs begin to disobey the commandments and change them to get away with it. None of the other animals notice due to their illiteracy, so Napoleon continuously exploits this fact to get what he wants. As a result, the farm that was meant to be utopic
Observe- This pig prioritizes his personal comfort and he spread Napoleon’s propaganda around the Animal Farm. Squealer often twisted the truth to keep control of the false statistics of the resources and success of the Animal Farm.
Animal Farm, by George Orwell, is an allegoric novel based on the history of the Soviet Union and the Russian Revolution (1917 to 1944) disguised as an animal fable. Orwell draws his audience into a utopian, metaphorical history novel through his animal characters. Squealer represents intelligence and education; Napoleon represents propaganda and duplicity; The dogs to represent violence and terror as a means of control; and finally Boxer represents apathy and acceptance. Throughout each of the characters stories, there are themes of the Soviet Union intertwined.
They can be used to convince and control a certain group of people or animals. In Animal Farm, Squealer, is the main spokesperson for the pigs. He emphasizes on words in order to accumulate power for Napoleon and the other pigs. As a result the animals become fearful of the pigs. In squealer he first speech he says, “It's for your sake that we drink that milk and eat these apples… the whole management and organization of this farm depend on us” (36).
There are currently 5 communist governments in the world, but none have achieved their goal of creating equality in society. In George Orwell’s novel, Animal Farm, communism is represented through animalism. In the novel, the animals of the farm saw the opportunity to break away from human society, although, they knew they would need a new leader for their society. They chose the pigs to serve as leaders. The pigs were amongst the smartest animals.
Thus manipulating the animals for the other pigs. He believes that he is doing this for the good of the farm and the animals,”The whole management and organization of this farm depend on us.”(3.14) Another example would be when says, “Tactics, comrades,tactics”(5.39) he says this so persuasively that the a;ready confused animals simply take his words for the matter. Squealers speeches show exactly how powerful words are in a revolution like this one which began with a few words from an influential
Old Major Piggy wrote seven perfect commandments for a better life for the animal, in the first commandment he said, "Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy" that goes directly to the humans because the humans were taking advantage of the animals by taking what the animals produced and over working the animals. The second commandment he said, "whatever goes upon four legs or has wings is a friend" this is saying how animals should work and be together. The third commandment
The theory of communism is that everyone is equal, but that means that there is no leader, everyone recieves the same exact education, rations, and equality among everyone. Unfortunately, that is not possible in today's society. That is seen in George Orwell’s Animal Farm. He demonstrates that education is a powerful weapon and is a tool that can be used to a person's advantage. Education is knowing the world around you, every letter in the alphabet, counting from 1 to infiniti.
The animal’s behavior in the novel supports this theme of people’s ignorance can lead to their social and politician oppression, because the animals did nothing when they found out the pigs were lying and even believed the pig’s deception. One notable example was when Napoleon sold Boxer the horse to a butcher but Squealer settled down the discussion. Boxer was a hardworking horse; in fact, the hardest working animal on the whole farm, but one day Boxer got hurt caring stones. Napoleon promised to send him to the vet instead he was sent to the slaughterhouse. Later Napoleon announced to the other animals that Boxer died in the animal hospital, and Squealer said it was just a mistake and most animals believed him. After Squealer’s speech to the animals, they never questioned it and almost never mentioned Boxer again. Because the animals never questioned it, it allowed the pigs to get always with other more sneaky
Communism failed due to many reasons, according to the book Animal Farm by George Orwell. Animal Farm is a book written about the cold war. However, instead of it being point-blank about the Cold War, it focuses on animals on a farm. These animals represent the Soviet Union and their Communist government. The downfall of communism was lead by three main reasons; the indifference of citizens, corruption of dictators, and economic failure.