
George Orwell’s 'Animal Farm': The Rise of Communism

Decent Essays

Orwell effectively conveys the rise of communism in Russia throughout the book Animal Farm by the accurate elucidation of the context in the Soviet Union from 1917-1945. Orwell’s attitude and political view towards Russia is evident in his representation of the farm animals on Communist Party leaders: Napoleon and Snowball, for example, are figurations of Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky, respectively. He expresses the anthropomorphic characters of farm animals, and major events in Animal Farm such as the Rebellion and the construction of the windmill, reminiscent of the Russian Revolution and the “Five-Year Plans”. Orwell also uses many techniques to describe the crucial points in Animal Farm by metaphoric language and allegorical means …show more content…

The pigs then introduce “The Seven Commandments of Animalism” and write them on the barn wall; soon the main idea is captured in the minds of all the animals, “FOUR LEGS GOOD, TWO LEGS BAD”. The character of Squealer is intriguing because he is described as a manipulator and persuader, also Napoleon’s key “spokespig”. Orwell even narrates, “He could turn black into white.” Squealer is best correlated with the Pravda, the Russian newspaper of the 1930s. Since propaganda was a key to many publications, and there were no television or radio, the newspaper was the primary source of media information. Stalin’s control over the Pravda made it give out false information so people were convinced to keep following under Stalin’s dictatorship and the Pravda also worked for Stalin to support his image as a “good leader”. In Animal Farm, Squealer abuses language to justify Napoleon’s actions and policies to the proletariat (working class) by whatever means seem necessary. Whenever the animals seem confused about a situation, Squealer always manages to convince the animals that they are wrong and that “Napoleon is always right”. An example of this is when Squealer is alters the Seven Commandments to account for the pigs’ humanisation, which represents the Soviet government’s modification of the communist theory to make it more a reformation of capitalism than a

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