
Gerard In Roxane Gay's Short Story Motherfuckers

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Different, confused, annoyed and disrespected are just a few words to describe the main character Gerard in Roxane Gay’s short story Motherfuckers. With Gerard originally being from Haiti, he and his family are forced to find out that immigrating from another country to America, can be a completely different transition. Moving from one country to another, immigrants are forced to adapt. American culture only acknowledges certain kinds of education from other countries. This causes his father to go from being a journalist in Haiti, to working in a place where his coworkers judging him because he is from Haiti. In Roxane Gays Motherfuckers, Gerard’s environmental change from Haiti to America affected how Gerard was treated in school. Gerard and his family members being mistreated, can spark many things to be brought to a better understanding, referring to Gerard’s situation that happen on an everyday basis for immigrants such as he and is family. How does immigration affect kids, how does moving to a different country affect a families economic living, and How …show more content…

In the first paragraph, Sheehy states that students tend to bully others that they see as different or weak. This statement ties with Roxanne Gays short story Motherfuckers. Gays main character Gerard gets bullied by students at his school due to him being from Haiti. These two situations connect because, in Gays Motherfuckers she states that Gerard’s teacher asked him to say something in French due to him being from Haiti and having an accent. This information is important because it shows that there is no logical explanation to why these particular group of students are getting picked on. There are people in the world who are ignorant to the fact that “yes that person is different, but there is no reason they should not be treated with the same respect as

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