
German Ideology

Decent Essays

The German Ideology is where Marx and Engels discuss how humans, at first, view the world based on their interaction with materials (“by this they mean their relationship to the productive forces in their society”) (655). However, this is the German philosophy and instead they want to change how people view the world so that consciousness adheres to the individual rather than the opposite being true. By doing this, man takes control of his life and “real knowledge” can begin.
The Communist Manifesto lists the issues European powers have against Communism. It first does this by noting that there is a plethora of class struggle and that most societies do little to fix it. Next it explains the issues with the bourgeois: it has denounced “idyllic” relationships and family relations which causes exploitation to be rampant and straightforward. The bourgeois improves production and civilizes nations as well. Gramsci poses the question about whether intellectuals are an individual group or whether they exist in all social groups. He comes to the decision that all men are in fact intellectual, but that does not mean that they function as such in society. Since all men are intellectuals, but do not necessarily serve that role, he discusses the use of school to elaborate on different levels of intelligence. Intellectuals do not relate to the world of production directly, but they do, in a sense, reside over the dominant group as “deputies” (1007). This situation is consensual in

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