
Get Soon Quotes

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“Being trapped in a loony bin isn’t supposed to be about making friends, losing weight and having a crush is it?” This quote is said by Anna, the main character in the book Get Well Soon. This novel is written in a journal format and talk about her experience in the mental hospital, somer good and some bad experiences. The puritans would ban the novel Get Well Soon because of the disrespect towards authority, characters living sinful lives and not having strong family values. The puritans would disapprove the book Get Well Soon because of the disrespects towards authority. The events to lead Anna where she is in the novel is because she would run away from home. When she ran away,she would try to go to her Grandparents house. When Anna’s parents would tell her couldn’t go somewhere she would end up sneaking out the house with her friends or to meet with her friends. In the hospital there is a golden rule, the rule is that you are not allowed to have relationships with anyone in the amount of time they are in the facility. Anna can’t help herself but to …show more content…

Other unsafe decisions that were made to lead Anna to the mental facility is because of her blackouts. Anna has some emotional and behavioral issues. When she gets upset she tends to blackout from crying and says thinks she doesn’t mean or she with physically hurt someone but not realize she did it because of her blackouts. Anna’s emotional and behavioral issues also tend to her using foul language toward authority and her peers. Anna also doesn’t think before she acts, she will make a decision and then regret what she did after the fact. This is also a big problem because she’s getting herself into serious situations. The perfect example of this would be her tendencies to underage drink and smoke. She thinks that she can use these unhealthy habits to cope with her stress and her emotional, behavioral and self esteem

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