
Getting The Juvenile-Justice System To Grow Up By Ken Stier

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Throughout the years i think adolescents are old enough to distinguish right from wrong but I think they are too young to make right decisions. If adults go to jail for killing or making violent crimes than adolescents should definitely face the consequences and serve time. When juveniles are serving their time in jail and getting rehabilitation and they accept the fact that they did wrong and have overcome their mistakes I think that they should get a second chance. Today in society crimes are majority made by minors, I believe that when they investigate about the person looking at the background of the adolescent being tried. They see that they came from a bankrupt family, they live in a segregated area,and have high rates of learning disabilities, mental health and abuse problems.But also being tried like an adult when making a violent crime I don't think is truly effective for these juveniles to understand what they did was wrong giving them the right help and giving them the chance to turn around their …show more content…

If the world says that kids are the future of the world then why not help them fight through whatever is going on with their life before it's too late. Researches have found that the kid's brain is having a hard time developing and in some cases that's the reason why kids couldn't make proper

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