
Ghosts : Hidden But Not Forgotten

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Ghosts: Hidden but not Forgotten Throughout the millions of years that people have lived and died on our planet, many stories have been told about ghosts. From the aborigines of Australia who’s lives circled around the spirits of their ancestors to Americans racing about the country with cameras trying desperately to prove what they have seen is real. Ghosts are found on every continent—including Antarctica! Despite the disbelief that has become common here in the United States, across the Atlantic in Europe ghosts are treated as nothing more than reclusive neighbors so long as the ghosts themselves do not push to be known. As the famous Chinese philosopher Confucius once said, “Respect ghosts and gods, but keep away from them.” Many things exist outside of the ridged conforms of science, including one of the most well known phenomenon found around the world: ghosts. In the world of paranormal investigation, there are several methods in which spirits are thought to be able to communicate with the living world. Most of these ways are small and far less impressive than the flashing lights and whirling winds of Hollywood. The most common signs of a ghostly presence are small things like footsteps, lights being flicked on or off, or unknown shuffling noises. Most paranormal investigators will use some form of electronic devise to act as a recorder because often times the voices of the ghosts are not on a wavelength that human can easily hear. There are a number of tools used to

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