
Gibb Copeland Should Purchase Ras Case Study

Decent Essays

To Buy or Not to Buy? That Is the Question Would you purchase a poor soul in an attempt to save his or her life? Caleb Copeland should purchase Amos from the auctioneer for these three reasons: purchasing Amos would give him a chance at life, Amos will be helpful around the house, and Mr. Copeland is kind to others. The first reason that Caleb Copeland should purchase Amos from the auctioneer is purchasing Amos would give him a chance at life. Obviously, Mr. Copeland will accept Amos as his apprentice. Mrs. Copeland will be delighted to tutor Amos. The Copelands will assist Amos in learning English. Living among good influences will cause Amos to become a Christian. Amos will learn English culture and how to behave properly. The

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