
Gibson's Essay 'Footprints'

Decent Essays

1. According to Gibson, Nobody should have the right to own God’s words; they were given as inspirations for humanity. He is concerned because is losing the real meaning. 2. He gave a couple examples of how some people how used religious sayings as a way to get money and how they have tried to trademark them as their own. One of his examples is the “Footprints” novel and is found at the beginning of his essay. 3. It might appeal to readers because it would help them what to trademark, also, how to handle the release of their new product. 4. Effros’s articles helped to explain how old ideas or old concepts of teaching can be shaped into new ones, but some new religions have taken them as their own. 5. Yes, it is; nowadays, you can find many sayings on articles or within commercial just bring the eye of consumers. …show more content…

Oakton College has also approached that they are against plagiarism and they have rules for it. The rules can be found in their admission, these rules also found in each class syllabus. In my opinion, people have exaggerated the concept of plagiarism. It is true that is not far to acknowledge someone’s work but sometimes it is hard to not to do so; new ideas come from old ones and people should appreciate that their ideas were inspiration for new

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