
Gilgamesh Flood Vs Biblical Flood

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Global floods have been a shared part of human culture and religion for thousands of years. A majority of the global flood stories share the same basic framework which consists of a hero, a means of salvation, and a blessing. The two most popular flood accounts are the Biblical flood of Noah and the Babylonian “Epic of Gilgamesh.”. These two ancient flood accounts share various topics and ideas throughout both storylines such as the reason for the flood, a warning that the flood will happen, the use of birds, blessings from a god, and an offering given. However, neither Christian scholars nor secular scholars can determine if the Biblical flood or the Epic of Gilgamesh share a common link. The discovery of the “Epic of Gilgamesh” occurred …show more content…

Along his reign Gilgamesh’s subjects cried out the gods over his oppressive rule. The gods sent Enkidu, a beast, to kill Gilgamesh. After the duel between the two Gilgamesh and Enkidu became friends. Gilgamesh and Enkidu had many adventures together that resulted in mayhem. The gods saw this and deemed it necessary to have Enkidu murdered (Boadt, Richard, and Harrington 101). Gilgamesh, now stricken with sorrow of his friend’s death, became weary of the gods. Gilgamesh then went on a search for Utnapishtim. Utnapishtim was the hero of a great flood who was given immortally for saving all life on earth from a global flood. When Gilgamesh finds Utnapishtim he asks how to receive immortality. Utnapishtim then proceeds to describe the flood and all that had happened. (Boadt, Richard, and Harrington …show more content…

However, they were forewarned in different ways. Noah was warned directly from Yahweh that there was going to be a massive flood to destroy all life. He was given direct instructions on how to survive and even what size to build the ark, 300x40 cubits and six decks (Genesis 6:15). Noah was also instructed to bring is family and one or seven pairs of each animal in this warming (Genesis 6:19). Whereas, Utnapishtim was warned in a more mystical way. He was given a dream that described a great flood that was to extinguish all living creatures, and was given instructions on how and what size the boat needed to be. He was also told in his warning that he need to bring his family, seed of all living creatures, and skilled craftsmen (Boadt, Richard, and Harrington

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