
Girl By America Kincaid Summary

Decent Essays

In the story “Girl” we see the author talking about the things that a young girl should do and learn so that she can be accepted by society. She starts by saying the in beginning that washing cloths is only a task for women, starting on Monday “Wash the white cloths on Monday”. Then goes on to talk about doing more chores on Tuesday that should only be done by a woman. I believe that the gender of this story is of a mother talking and teaching to her young daughter. With some of the wording I can assume that this is surely an African American or Caribbean mother. Kincaid is trying to show us how differently young boys are treated than the same aged girls and how they are looked at differently for doing the same activities. It is not lady-like …show more content…

In the black community we are famous for how we treat children in the ways of corporal punishment. It is accepted and often encouraged to reinforce the values we have laid out as parents with the use of some form of beating. Little do most know that this is a long standing repercussion of slavery, specifically from the Willy Lynch letters. This detailed how to keep slaves in bondage and break their spirts but not their bodies, “Beat the black bitch and she will intern beat their children and they cycle will continue”. We have been taught for so long that if you beat it out of them that they will act better. That logic is not incorrect, they will act better but it is not because you have taught them better but because you have conditioned them to pain which creates a negative response to certain behaviors. However this is not parenting but slavery and servitude, and from some personal experience some parents treat their children like slaves not like offspring. Just as in the story the mother is raising her so that the world will accept her instead of rising her like the queen that she is. She is conforming her to the view that society already has of her, which is not positive. Girls are treated different than boys because of the male female gender roles we have placed on society that are unfair as well

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