
Girl Interrupted Essay

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Girl, Interrupted (adapted from the original book Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen) takes place in the 60’s. The main character, Susanna, is eighteen years old at the start of the movie. The film gives viewers a deeper look into the day to day life of patients in a mental hospital. Susanna which at the start seems to be somewhat relieved to be “taking a break” at Claymoore Hospital eventually realizes how horrible it is to be in there, and decides to try to get better after an awful series of events. Susanna’s parents send her to Claymoore because she allegedly attempted suicide by swallowing a full bottle of aspiring and vodka, but she denies it, and argues that she was just trying to stop her “headache”. At first glance Susanna looks like …show more content…

She is rude to the other patients, but after getting to know her, she is nice to Susanna. Daisy seems really unstable because she is an incest victim, agoraphobic and self-harmer. Daisy shows a lot of different symptoms and I believe she suffered from more than one mental illness. Daisy seems to hate the other patients at Claymoore and she never allowed anyone inside her private room. She only lets Susanna in because she offers her laxatives, which Daisy seems to be addicted to. Daisy suffers from sexual abuse from her father, and this leaves her extremely scarred. She states that there is nothing else she can eat beside the chicken from her father’s rotisserie because anything else makes her vomit. Agoraphobia is a type of anxiety disorder in which you avoid situations that make you feel embarrassed, scared or helpless (M.H). In the movie Daisy is always in her room, and does not come out unless she wants laxatives. She also cuts herself. The self-harm could be a result of the sexual abuse she suffers, since a lot of times people that have gone through traumatic events use self-harm as an escape (R.O). Daisy is eventually released from Claymoore because she supposedly got better, but when Susanna and Lisa visit her, they find deep cuts in her

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