
Essay about Give Science A Chance

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It’s no secret that stem cell research is a highly controversial topic that could potentially lead to big steps in the advancement of modern medicine. There are many factors that need to be considered when making an argument for or against stem cell research. Not just the physical, tangible factors (types of stem cells, possible uses and benefits, and funding) but the emotional ones (ethics and morals) as well. While understanding the reasons opposing stem cell research is simple, understanding the reasons supporting it may be even simpler. Stem cell research should continue because stem cell research has the potential to advance modern medicine and better our world. Technically, there is no defined function for stem cells within the …show more content…

Because these cells are pluripotent, meaning they are able to differentiate into all cell types in the body, they are extremely malleable making them a scientific marvel worth researching. This state of pluripotency means that these cells can be used to replace old damaged tissues or help rebuild destroyed parts of the body. However, the reason the use of these cells is so controversial, regardless of their high level of flexibility, functionality, and compatibility is because once the inner cell mass is removed, the blastocyst no longer has the potential to become a fully developed human being. Thus meaning the fetus will no longer become a living organism. It is this fact that has raised concerns as to the highly subjective question of whether or not an embryo is a human being. Similarly to the topic of abortion, the question of the rights of an unborn fetus are inherently controversial and complicate the issue of whether stem cell research is something to carry on with or to abandon due to the ethical issues at hand. Keeping in mind the legality of abortion, the question of whether or not stem cell research should be legal becomes apparent. If the people in legal guardianship of the aborted fetus give the right for the fetus to be used for stem cell research and advancement of medical science, the opportunity should be taken advantage of rather than thrown away. Throughout the Bush Administration, the issue

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