
Glaucoma Research Paper

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Glaucoma Tests: The only way to know if a person has glaucoma is for them to be tested by a eye care professional. A reason why people should see a eye Doctor every one to two years. There are five different kinds of tests to help diagnose glaucoma. It is important to diagnose glaucoma right that is why there are many tests. These tests are a tonometry, ophthalmoscopy, perimetry, gonioscopy, or pachymetry test. The purpose of tonometry test is to measure the pressure within the eye. Drops are placed in the eye to numb it while a machine called the tonometer applies a small amount of pressure to the eye. According to Glaucoma Research Foundation, “The range for normal pressure is 12-22 mm Hg (“mm Hg” refers to millimeters of mercury, a scale used to record eye pressure). …show more content…

By using laser treatment it can delay the use of daily eye drops. Laser treatment is use to clear or open up the drainage canals that are lowering the movement of fluid in the eye. By clearing it up the eye pressure is lowered stoping the damage being caused to the optic nerve. Yet the effect of laser treatment is not permeant and the patient will eventually need to use eye drops. It is popular belief that if a person has glaucoma they can smoke a lot of medical marijuana. It maybe true that smoking marijuana can lower eye pressure but only for a short period of time. The effectiveness of marijuana is only about three to four hours. With the lack of evidence it is not a recommended form of glaucoma treatment. (Terri Pickering) With there being no cure for glaucoma people with need to continue treatment for the rest of their lives. There is many different roads to take when a person starts treatment. Many of them has their risks but having a overall healthier life can have its benefits for glaucoma. A healthier life is something everyone should strive for having glaucoma or

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