
Glengarry Glen Ross by David Mamet Essay

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In David Mamet’s play, “Glengarry Glen Ross”, a group of sales representatives, Shelly Levene, Richard Roma, Dave Moss, and George Aaronow, are placed into a competition that sets all of them against each other. Their bosses challenge the four men to compete against one another in a sales competition where the winner with the most sales will receive a brand new Cadillac and the two people with the least sales will lose their job. With the ultimatum of losing their job, the men struggle to out due each other in hopes that they will come out on top (Mamet 21). Through dialogue and tone, Mamet presents the characters with a sense of desperation and determination; thus, he propels the story into countless affairs of deception and cheating, and …show more content…

Moss introduces the issue in such a sneaky and clever way that in turn causes Aaronow to become frazzled and partially confused. Moss tells Aaronow that they are “just talking” about stealing the leads, but he slowly edges into thrusting this ordeal onto Aaronow. Little to Aaronow’s knowledge, he is falling into Moss’s trap and soon becomes an accomplice for listening to Moss’s plan (Mamet 39-41). Through this scene, Mamet shows that dialogue is a “claim to power” (Worster, "How to Do Things with Salesmen: David Mamet's Speech-Act Play"). Moss is willing to deceive Aaronow, knowing his job can be jeopardized if he does not successfully deceive Aaronow. The dialogue between Moss and Aaronow merely displays how dialogue is manipulated to gain power and authority over others. The sales men yearn to have this authority. Not only would they be willing to deceive their customers, but also Mamet shows that these men will deceive each other for their own benefit. Both Levene and Moss show how language is used “to survive and to celebrate survival” (Browne, “An overview of Glengarry Glen Ross"). Throughout the play, the words “say, said, tell, told, talking, and speaking” are used “over two hundred times” by the characters (Worster, "How to Do Things with Salesmen: David Mamet's Speech-Act Play"). This word choice in the dialogue emphasizes the importance of speech and shows how verbal communication is a key

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