
Glip Team Reflective Essay

Decent Essays

My primary objective of 2017 was to become a trusted and integral member of the Glip product team. The key actions I took to accomplish this goal included:

• Drove the implementation and launch of the HIPAA SMS feature, which helped successfully closed enterprise customers such as Pacific Dental and Central Health.
• Own competitive research for all competitor collaboration applications.
• Managed the unified client whitelisting tool for the Glip PM team.

Overall, my work in 2017 has made positive impacts at RingCentral by not only launching new features that help closed key enterprise customers, but also helped enable 200+ companies to try the unified client. In 2018, I plan to continue my career growth at RingCentral by continuing to …show more content…

values through my daily work. I believe that among the four values, I role modelled innovative and empowered more than the others.

• During the prioritization and planning process of Glip’s fit and finish track, I felt strongly about certain aspects of Glip which I believed would benefit customers tremendously if changed. I wrote multiple user stories and some of which were prioritized and built into the production version of Glip.
• During the summer internship period, the Glip product team brought on 5 interns. One of the inters reported to me directly, but I worked closely with all 5 of them. Though out the internship, I helped the group understood more about Glip as well as the initiatives the team was working on. Prior to the end of the internship, I oversaw the interns put together a presentation which was presented to senior executives of the company.

In 2017, I was given the opportunity to work on projects that helped me developed my product management skills, leadership and management skills, and critical analysis skills. The experiences I gained from 2017 will help me become a more successful product manager, and in 2018, these are the skills I like to focus on

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