
Global Change Requires Awakening By Frances Power Cobbe

Decent Essays

Question #1): In consideration of shifting from a self-interested mindset to a collective attitude requires challenging the hegemony of social values and norms that dominate our society. This shift would lend itself to achieving positive progressions within the world. Global change requires awakening the truth within the human soul and considering how our actions have a consequential effect on others. As stated by social and animal activist, Frances Power Cobbe “My great panacea for making society at once better and more enjoyable would be to cultivate greater sincerity.” When considering the barriers that prevent personal and social transformation, one needs to look outside of their own advancements when considering a more collaborative society. For instance, the word “terrorism” is a notion that dominates our society constantly. Terrorism itself means “a form of politically motivated violence” (Richard, 116). As a society we continue to be attracted to concepts of violence and ignore the underlining issues that prevent achieving global transformation, and becoming a more connected society. When thinking in terms of a winner and a loser, fear is perpetuated and creates a sense of competition among society. Look no further of a competitive country then the United States. The United States has one of the most if not largest powerful military and has demonstrated the benefits of having a large military and “waging wars around the world” that instil fear of

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