
Global Warming And Sea Levels

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Throughout recent history, our planet’s climate and environment has slowly been changing due to the many effects of global warming. Unfortunately, global warming has been an ongoing issue for decades. Between 1956 - 2005, the average Earth’s temperature rose .13 degrees Celsius per decade (Amadeo, par. 1). Not only did the average temperature of the climate increase, but the average temperature of the ocean increased as well. Ever since 1978, the ice caps have been melting at a rate of 2.7% per decade (Amadeo, par. 2). Climate change has been a constant reminder of our planetary warming. Even though these problems have been present for so long, people are not realizing the gravity of this issue. Global warming and sea level rise are not only causing the climate to change; they are also negatively affecting organisms and habitats, the economy, and various coastal regions. It is undeniable that our planet is changing and getting warmer. The temperatures are rising; ice caps and glaciers are melting; sea levels are increasing, and natural disasters have been occurring more and more frequently. Years ago, scientists assumed that if planetary warming could be maintained below two degrees Celsius, perils such as sea level rise could be avoided (Carey, par. 1). However, it seems that this indication wasn’t exactly the case. Ongoing research suggests that three global feedback mechanisms seem to be pushing the earth into a more rapid period of climate change: altered ocean

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