
Essay on Global Warming

Decent Essays

Global Warming

One of the hottest topics being discussed now a days is the effects of global warming on the environment and the efforts being made in order to combat the potential effects. Simply put, global warming refers to the environmental effects caused by the constant emission of carbon dioxide from carbon based fuels. These effects are supposedly widespread; the temperature of the earth will rise, the land becomes less conducive to, vegetation, and various ecosystems become extinct. There is no common consensus on how to control the problem and through out the paper it discusses the issues of global warming.

There were three articles read that discussed how global warming is becoming a potential problem that needs to be …show more content…

And Green Peace claims that the results of global warming are going to be drastic. So who is the authority to believe?
The question then arises, if a plan of action is going to be taken, which would be the wisest? And the answer depends directly on the amount of certainty one has about the effects of global warming. At one end of the spectrum is the belief that a modest tax on carbon-based fuel should be employed.

At the other end is the Green peace camp which wants an exorbitant tax on such fuels. In the middle are those which want a tax on such fuels which would be adjusted according to a timetable to make sure that goals for reducing carbon dioxide will be met on time. One prominent goal is to have the level of carbon dioxide at the year 2000 to remain at 1990 levels.

And politically, getting different interests to agree on a plan of action is not easy. While running for office, both President Clinton and Vice President Gore promised to’ institute a timetable by which carbon dioxide levels in the year 2000 will not exceed 1990 levels. However, the President backed out because he feared the backlash of his opponents who would accuse him of trying to cut the usage of carbon based fuels by adding to the already proposed gasoline tax.

And on a global level, there is also disagreement among world leaders. A recent pact called the Climate Change Convention did not manage to obtain the signatures of fifty countries out of a

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