
Global Warming In California Essay

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Global warming is the gradual increase of the earth’s temperature that are caused by excessive release of Chlorofluorocarbons into the earth’s atmosphere with the increased levels of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. These play a major role in the depletion of the ozone layer. Global warming is increasing at an alarming rate and posing a threat to many countries around the world, among these countries and states California is also a victim of global warming and is being affected greatly. It is known to all that global warming has adverse effects on various things. But in this paper we going to narrow it down and focus on the ethical, social and economic implications of global warming to California. Global warming has always …show more content…

Most of these and the agriculture are highly sensible to the availability of water. The Ecosystem will have a huge impact in regard with the change in the climatic conditions/ temperatures. The reduction in the amount of rainfall might be the biggest impact, which will affect the wildlife as well as the agriculture. Water is one of the key factors for survival. If the there is not sufficient water, be it agricultural or commercial it will lead us to a worse state. A reduction in the summer freshwater might likely increase the summer salinity in San Francisco bay that in turn will bring about changes in the water circulation leading it to cause effects on the food chain. San Francisco has a wide variety of fish/ invertebrates that use this area as their breeding ground. A change or collapsing of the food chain might affect the marine life in the San Francisco bay, which can possibly be an add on factor to trigger the collapse of the marine ecosystem. The increased temperatures in California are posing a threat to depletion of zooplanktons and sea birds of particular variety known as sooty shearwaters. There is more to these increased temperatures in kelp forests of southern California coat a cold-water fish species called green-spotted rockfish has reduced by 50% of its numbers in 1970. On the other hand the warm water fish species called Garibaldi had increased nearly by

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