
Global Warming Satire

Satisfactory Essays

Global Warming

So many amazing people spoken stories about this beautiful earth so let's not make the next one a tragedy.The People remain at fault so they should care a little bit more than they do and not hide from it since everyone has to deal with it.Global warming is destroying habitats of animals that lived on this planet longer than we . also the reason for climate change and why places are hurting in bad weather. If any of this could go any further, it could bring living organisms to extinction, including us. One reason it’s becoming a worldwide problem befell because of the weather changes and places it’s affecting,As the website Says the days have gotten hotter, flooding and rain more heavy,hurricanes stronger and droughts more severe.We can not put it off any longer places like north and south America,Asia, and Australia are getting hit with terrible weather, some places are evacuating places they long called home. A fact As the website …show more content…

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