“Reef Fish Find It’s Too Hot to Swim” (600 words) Global warming has effected the world. The earth has had a drastic and devastating aftermath since humans have decided to release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This resulted in the ground (above or below water) temperature to rise; the very definition of global warming. This has warmed up the waters and the fish of the ocean are now living in an environment that is too hot for them to live in. The example given is the coral trout, a fish that is commercially important. Since the water temperature has risen higher up in the water, these trout tend to be more lethargic now; they stay lower in the water. This is crucial because all of their hunting and mating ground is higher …show more content…
The polar bear lives up in the Arctic region where global warming and climate change are melting the ice caps that the bears thrive on. They use the ice as a platform from hunting and rest. The random pocket holes in the ice, where the seals pop up at, is where the polar bear catches its prey. With this reduction of ice, “the abundance of seals, and increases the amount of energy and time needed for hunting, leaving less energy for reproduction” (Endangered Species and Habitats). The climate change has caused not only waters to raise in temperature, but also in the sea level; this is having a major negative effect on sea turtles. When the female sea turtles lay their eggs and bury them in the sand, the rising waters make the eggs’ nest a dangerous place to be, resulting in even lower amounts of turtles hatched. Also, the rising temperatures effects the natural eggs’ incubation temperature of 34°C higher, which effects the sex of the turtle. Loggerhead turtles in Florida are ninety percent female due to this factor. If the temperature continues to rise, there may be no males left at all. The next innocent animal forced to cope with global warming is the whale. With the ocean waters warming more and more, the patches of zooplankton that female whales need to “bulk up” for a full pregnancy and being able to produce milk for her young. When the amount of zooplankton is too low, the right whale,
In an instance of gradual change, whales could adapt to rising temperature, but we humans are changing the environment too quickly for species to keep up. If greenhouse gases are not controlled, we could see extinction in numbers we have never seen before. The ecosystem is fragile.
Any change to an environment can be harmful to a species and often changes the carrying capacity in that area. In the case of an increase in temperature, the North American River Otter and the Giant Pacific Octopus are both impacted. There would likely be negative effects to both species, but the Giant Pacific Octopus’ ability to adapt more quickly in a warmer environment gives it an advantage in this changing environment. While the River Otter would have many detrimental changes occur with an increase in temperature, the octopus may have an increased chance of survival.
Climate change has affected us in many ways, but it was even more influential on organisms and their community. The Earth is gradually heating and we are left to deal with the consequences. Homes are being destroyed, organisms are dying, and resources are running low. Since 1880, Our Earth’s temperature had increased by about 0.8 degrees Celsius. Climate change is affecting the Earth and scientists say that one more degree will greatly affect people from all over the world. There are many consequences of climate change and each one has a great impact on all of us, but organisms’ homes are being destroyed and thousands of species are dying out. These organisms are imperative to our world and how it functions.
A rising issue throughout the world is global warming and its effects, specifically on the sea turtles. One of the foremost difficulties for sea turtles is the melting of glaciers which generate the rising of the sea level. Furthermore, the sea level rising causes, flooding in the nesting ranges for their newborns and they can't discovery the correct location. In addition, baby sea turtles become too distant from the ocean and are attacked by predators. Also, hotter sand from increasing temperatures results in decreased hatching rates or complete nest failure (Elizabeth, n, d). Nevertheless, an additional issue has occurred is the deficiency of males because the cooler, portion of the nest will become males, but because of temperature rising
Our delicate eco-system is struggling to maintain it’s complex equilibrium. The precarious state of our oceans are largely attributed to the climate changes that are on going throughout earth. Along with consistently rising global temperatures come many devastating consequences. Our atmosphere is not the only aspect of our environment that is heating. Global warming is melting polar ice caps, raising water levels in our oceans, and releasing carbon that has been trapped in ice for thousands of years. The warmer air temperature is heating the surface waters of the ocean and creating more frequent and more powerful storms. These warmer surface waters are being pushed under in the ocean conveyor belt and the overall affect is a rise in overall ocean water temperatures. Climate change has been estimated to effect 88% of cetaceans and endangering nearly 21%. More specifically, each of these changes have harmful, potentially deadly and lasting effects on Bottlenose Dolphins. Ultimately causing dangerous and toxic conditions leading to an increase of dolphin strandings and death.
In this journal they stress that the change in global temperature presents a clear and urgent challenge for all species. The alteration of the atmosphere and the climate is going to have consequences for every living thing. Over the years each specie has become well adapted to their conditions of life through natural selection, Mutation is one of the adaptive processes. Environmental variability is going to cause a variation in strength and direction of selection over time. One of the reasons to why selection is changing direction is because the offspring grow up in different areas and at different times. If the surrounding conditions prove unfavourable then the species will not continue to reproduce so therefore the population will begin to
Over the years, climate change has affected marine species because it has increased the ocean temperature, causing it to get warmer, which is causing a negative impact to most marine organisms like echinoderms and cnidarians (Quinn, 2016). In many cases, the optimum temperature of growth increased 1-6°C, which created harmful effects on stages of development (Quinn, 2016). In some cases such as the American lobster (Homarus americanus), warming of the ocean had caused smaller body sizes (Le Bris et al., 2016). Even though there is some research that showed that the warm temperature could also benefit the lobster’s population, most of their population has declined in the warmest and southernmost regions of the lobster’s range in places like southern New England and Long Island Sound (Quinn, 2016).
This means what they eat will be harder for them to find. So when they try to find food it will use up there energy and there food supply will not make up for it . Climate change also ruins the way they migrate. Climate throws off the currents that they follow. This means it makes it harder for them to find a way to migrate.These dolphins are getting there habitat destructed by just humans ruining the climate by releasing greenhouse gases. Humans do not realize what they are putting into the environment which is killing off species of dolphins and other marine animals.
On the western shore of the Hudson Bay, biologists have been studying the drastic changed in polar bear diets and their new eating habits. Through their studies of polar bear scat and video surveillance, the biologists have come to the conclusion that polar bears are beginning to adopt a new form of food. They are beginning to eat from the abundant source of snow geese. The snow geese have been traveling farther north in the spring to nest in the grassy, arctic marshes. Here they lay their eggs, vulnerable to predators such as the polar bear. Due to the global warming, the arctic ice has begun to melt at a much faster pace. This means that polar bears have less time and less ice to hunt for seals. The polar bears have always relied on seals
All over the world there is a subject that has an effect on us all, and that subject has come to be known as climate change, or more commonly global warming. Climate change has a huge impact on Sea Turtles and their nesting grounds. Specifically referring to the Sea Turtle’s ability to reproduce. Especially within the last ten to fifteen years.
Climate change has many factors; albedo is one of many. Albedo is where the snow and ice reflect sunlight back into space. But as the Earth’s temperature continues to rise the snow and ice are beginning to melt causing the ground and water to absorb the sunlight heating things up. With the carbon dioxide levels rising throughout the years the ocean absorbed 30% of it, creating acidification, which is killing coral reefs. As this occurs it is destroying the shelter for many types of fish. With the coral reefs dying the fish population is decreasing significantly this is a major problem for the areas of the world were catching fish to feed their families is all they have as a food source. (Hewitt et al., 343-351)
This chapter correlates to the book because in the book it states how global warming is affecting animals and how it is having an affect on the ocean. Earle writes about how since the atmosphere temperature is rising it has an immediate affect on marine life. For starters it affects the animals that live in the poles. For example, she talks about how “polar bears may be extinct in the oncoming years” because ice is melting (due to the warming of the atmosphere) and the only way polar bears can survive is based on the fact that they are able to camouflage themselves with the ice and that is the only real way they are able to catch prey and hide from predators.
The effects of global warming touch every human, animal, plant, ocean, landmass, and atmosphere level on this planet. The numerous effects of global warming are mixes of "good" and "bad" results, depending on how your definition of "good" results and "bad" results are. A "good" effect, a person could say, would be for regions with normally cold temperatures to receive warmer temperatures for their normal. Yet, there are more "bad" effects that seem to out weight the "good" effects. Some of the effects would include increases of flooding, severe storm systems, and rising sea-levels. One major consequence would be an increase of temperature globally. This would
Global warming is also affecting the animals that live in our marine environments. These marine mammals are accustomed to living in specific temperatures. They cannot survive in the water if the temperature of the water changes dramatically. Thus, certain animals die as a result of the increase in temperature of the oceans. Also, it is very difficult to receive data from something as large and profound as our oceans. The various techniques that scientists use to receive data are not exactly quiet experiments. The tools used to take ocean data are actually loud machines that are put into the ocean. One might think that these loud machines would have no affect on animals because it is very difficult to hear things under
A key impact presented with Global Warming is this gradual increase in temperatures and change in climate. Many of the changes are duly noticeable in the U.S, where states such as California have declared the presence of a drought and weather can be seen to be very sporadic. Indeed, this change is affecting many people in the U.S, particularly in areas of agriculture where some farmers have had numerous problems cultivating and harvesting crops, leading to failures in the regular supply of foods. But this change is not only affecting humans, but largely animals as well, with many such as polar bears and fish have suffered due to the change in ocean temperature. Polar Bears have seen a dramatic loss of their habitable environments, whereas the polar ice caps in the Arctic rapidly melting, and the fish in the Pacific Ocean have seen a decrease in population due to excess fishing and the warming of the oceans.