
Glucose / Meltrose, Lactose, And Sucrose Experiment?

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For the Glucose/Dextrose, Lactose, and Sucrose test, we tested to see if the unknown microorganism could ferment with the specific carbohydrate that was being tested (Phenol). In doing so, we had received three test tubes with the specific carbohydrate in it, and aseptically inoculate each of the three test tubes with our specific unknown organism with a positive test showing a yellow liquid and a negative test staying red as it was in the beginning (Phenol). My results were positive for the glucose and negative for both Lactose and sucrose. The Catalase test tested for the ability of the organism to convert hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen gas (Catalase). To test this a drop of hydrogen peroxide was placed on a slide then an isolated colony was placed in the drop, and a positive test would cause bubbles to occur, and a negative test would have no bubbles (Catalase). My result was positive with bubbles. The Oxidase test was testing the presents of Cytochrome Oxidase, which transfers electrons to oxygen, by placing a colony of the organism on a sterile swab and then placing a drop of oxidase reagent on it (Oxidase). If the colors of the swab change to a purple color, this indicated a positive test because electrons are being removed, and a negative test will have no color change (Oxidase). My results were positive with a color change to purple. The Sulfate Indole Motility tested for two things, Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and Indole. Some microorganisms will use indole to

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