
Gnathostoma's Roundworm Disease

Decent Essays

Gnathostoma is a roundworm parasite that is not normally found in humans. The roundworm is passed from the host to a water bug called a Cyclops. It then is passed to a fish, snake or frog and finds its way into the muscle of the infected creature. It can then be passed to humans when they consume the infected animals’ meat. The patient in the book acquired the parasite from eating a raw cobra heart while traveling to see his family in Vietnam. In humans the larval form of the worm cannot develop in the stomach so it moves into the muscle of its human victims. It would then travel to under the skin. It would then move throughout the body for a period of 4 to 12 years. The migration of the worm through the body is due to it not being use to a human host. The migration of the worm can lead to the brain and cause death in particularly severe cases. …show more content…

Eosinophils are white blood cells that attack foreign intruders in the body. A high count of these blood cells signifies that there is an infection in the body. The levels that were detected by blood tests indicated that there was a parasite in the system. Dr. Nagami dismissed tropical diseases such as malaria due to blood tests and typhoid would have easily been treated with the antibiotics that he was already taking. Filaria roundworms were a possibility for the infection. There are two types of this roundworm prevalent in Vietnam. They are passed from female mosquitos into human hosts. The infection had many of the symptoms of filarial infection. However it did not display the main symptom of this infection which is a profound swelling of the lymph

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