I almost chose the goal setting worksheet as well. I agree what you said specifically on how patients will hopefully be more motivated if they can see a written plan and goals set for them. It will help them be more intentional in what they do in and out of the therapy sessions. It is encouraging for people when they are able to see themselves reaching short term and then later long term
Recommend instructional activities and /or interventions to address goals. All plans must be based on your analysis of the data.
A roadblock I’m sure I will have to battle is procrastination and waiting till the last moments.
With 33 million Americans utilizing healthcare services as a means to manage mental health conditions and illnesses, adequate delivery of mental healthcare, treatment, and practice is becoming increasingly more important in the American landscape of wellness (SAMHSA, 2004a). The mental health system continues to be a challenging area of healthcare, due to: increased usage of coercion into treatment, diversity in care delivery systems, an unevolved quality measurement mechanism, and a drastically different business and marketplace infrastructure. These factors added to the, already, present stigma associated with mental health, culminates into an extremely
Technology was a necessary element in almost every major project I did in high school. Whether it is in researching for an essay, or making a powerpoint presentation on certain topics, technology was the greatest source of information. Therefore, the two artifacts that I will be discussing in this paper are an excel spreadsheet and a formal letter template.
For this activity, you will develop a Monitoring Plan and an Evaluation Plan for a project your company/organization is currently involved in or has done in the past.
The first SMART goal that I would like to accomplish to help improve my leadership skills if barcoding all stock rooms for each department. Barcoding each department will save time, money, faster customer service, and better accuracy of ordering. The nurses would save time as well as they are not having to input a fourteen-digit number to charge just one item each time a supply is used on a patient. They can focus more on the patient.
From a self-management level, patients who are not meeting goals and health outcomes have to reevaluate their personal and health-related goals. If patients are not meeting health outcomes due to non-compliance or motivational issues, it is appropriate for patients to set individual goals and action plans (Bodenheimer, Davis, & Holman, 2007). Individually, or with provider assistance, goals should be set by the patient that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time oriented (Bodenheimer et al., 2007). Once goals have been set, follow up from providers or caregivers are helpful in keeping patients accountable (Bodenheimer et al., 2007).
Goals aid the clinician in monitoring the client’s progress, in addition to determining if the client’s strategies and intervention approaches should be adjusted. The involvement of the client and the family can lead to increased participation with treatment. Therefore, goals that are measurable, visualizable, and benchmarks help to make sure that the clinician, the client’s family are all aware of what the client is doing in therapy and how they can help the client reach his or her goals the clinicians the ability to regularly follow up with the client and the family (Haftel, 2014, p.1).
I would also reward and treat myself in order to continue and not to get off from my track.
One of the main goals that I worked on throughout multiple shifts was my time management skills, regarding charting and patient notes. I first set a goal of having my charting done
Long-Term Goals (Created and approved by both client and counselor, and based on The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner)
Out of the three goals, (Personal, educational, and professional) I chose two of the goals that I am focusing on and that is my personal and educational goals. For my personal goals, I want to create a big picture of what I plan to do in life. Then I want to break them down in order to reach my goals, then once I have them together, then I would start working on them to achieve them. For example(Specific and Measurable goals), I plan on finding a job that has great benefits and the best rate of pay, and one that does not require working on weekends(Monday-Friday only), and not working overtime.
In this essay I will be evaluating Alice’s goals using the SMART goal planning model. The character of Alice, her goals, and the SMART goal planning model have been provided to me in the textbook, Personal Finance (Siegel, 2009). Alice’s goals include pay off student loan, buy a house and save for children’s education, accumulate assets, retire, and travel around the world in a sailboat.
The wellness chart we filled out was a great way to visually see where we are going and where I want to be. For me, writing out goals as done in the wellness chart, it very beneficial for me and keeps me on track.
To help me along my journey to success, I have made two colorful, eye catching boards that I will allow myself to look at everyday. The first goal board that I have is a weekly board that I will use for each class. On this board I will have my individual weekly assignments and my team weekly assignments with start and due dates. Also I will have contact numbers and email addresses for people who will benefit me in my course. This would include all my classmates, teammates, and instructor. As I complete an assignment I will draw a line through that assignment. The second board that I have displays all my overall personal goals. On this board I will have an outline of all my