
The Light Comes Brighter Literary Devices

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Poetry, by its formal definition, describes intense literary work that expresses feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm. In poems such as “The Light Comes Brighter”, “Gold Glade”, and “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”, poets used certain literary devices--such as imagery, personification, symbolism, and rhyme scheme--in order to develop an abstract but simultaneous concrete idea of their internal thoughts and emotions. In “Gold Glade”, Robert Penn Warren portrayed a vivid memory of a young boy’s adventurous spirit. The Gold Glade, originally depicted as a simple artifact within the wilderness, symbolized the dream and passion held dearly by the identifiable character within his boyhood. T.S Eliot 's “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” followed an insecure man as he reflected upon his most extensive regret: having little power and confidence when it came to making decisions and dating. T.S Eliot conspicuously introduced a complex interpretation of a simple concept and sentiment. In Theodore Roethke’s “The Light Comes Brighter”, a familiar sense of clarity showed the upcoming change in seasons. By shifting into a new season as the poem proceeded, Roethke helped convey his thoughts and stance on the influence of nature in human culture. His peculiar word choice brought forth a new and interesting perspective on the effect caused by the environment’s cycle. Through all four poems, the discussion of human emotion tested the apprehension and

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