
Golden Child Play

Decent Essays

“Break a leg”, the director said to every actor before we perform.
When I took the course of improvisation in the freshman year, I told myself that I would never take any class connect with acting in the future. It is because that I feel like I am not the person who can talk or express myself well in front of others, and it is unimaginable hard to me to make up the line in acting. However, things happen, what I never though was that I would ever participate in a play after two years.
The play is called Golden Child, which is about a traditional Chinese family dealing with the onslaught of Western culture, particularly Christianity, in 1918. As the third wife in the play, I think this character’s personality is similar to me. Honestly, I did not think I would get called back after I went to the interview with my friends. I was thinking to give up since I did not prepare anything for this play and I was afraid I could not hit on this character. There was a lot of self-denial at first and I struggled a long time to accept the fact that I am in the play.
During the two months rehearsal, I feel like I explored a new world that I know nothing about. There are many things that I learned from the process, such as the acting skill, theater rules, and how to express the emotion in front of people. Even though we rehearsal thousands …show more content…

After the play, I have noticed that while I watch any play or movie, I tend to focus on how the actor act and to be respectful the effort behind the screen. Not only to judge the shortcoming of any movie, but also sees with respect and appreciation. Furthermore, I cannot deny that it made me more confident when I have to do public speech. I still memorize how embarrassed I am when I stand on the stage in freshman year, but now I am more like enjoy the moment because I feel like it is a chance that other can get to know me

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