
Goldilocks Rising Action Essay

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Exposition Plot: Goldilocks comes up to a cottage in forest. She knocks but nobody answers and she was so curios that she goes right in the door and starts tasting the porridge the first one is too hot, the second one is too cold, but the third one is just right. When Goldilocks finishes the porridge she goes to find a chair to sit in all of the chairs are too big but again the last or the smallest one is just right. When she was about to make herself more comfortable the chair broke and she felt sleepy so she went upstairs to find three beds, one was too hard, one was too soft and the smallest was just right so she climbed into the bed and soon fell asleep. While she was asleep the three bears came back and saw all the things that happened …show more content…

Rising Action The rising action occurred when Goldilocks ate the bears' porridge, sat in their chairs which Goldilocks breaks, and slept in their beds. Climax The climax for Goldilocks and the Three Bears is when Goldilocks awakes with a start and gets scared and runs away in a flash. Falling Action The falling action takes place when the bears find Goldilocks in little bear’s bed and Goldilocks wakes up and discovers that she was in the bears' house. Denouement Little bear went out to find the girl who destroyed his house. Once he found the girl he said “Goldilocks, Goldilocks, Goldilocks, please don't run away, I just want to talk to you, please come out and play.” so Goldilocks did and she had learned her lesson. Baby bear told her this, "Because you were dishonest with me," he reminded her of what she'd done, "I'll teach you the lesson of three". “Honesty, for the porridge you ate which was mine, Caring, for the chair you broke which was mine, Sharing, for the bed you slept in which was mine, learn these three things you'll be fine.” So Goldilocks did and she had the challenge and she keep her promise and she lived happily ever after keeping her

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