Exposition Plot: Goldilocks comes up to a cottage in forest. She knocks but nobody answers and she was so curios that she goes right in the door and starts tasting the porridge the first one is too hot, the second one is too cold, but the third one is just right. When Goldilocks finishes the porridge she goes to find a chair to sit in all of the chairs are too big but again the last or the smallest one is just right. When she was about to make herself more comfortable the chair broke and she felt sleepy so she went upstairs to find three beds, one was too hard, one was too soft and the smallest was just right so she climbed into the bed and soon fell asleep. While she was asleep the three bears came back and saw all the things that happened …show more content…
Rising Action The rising action occurred when Goldilocks ate the bears' porridge, sat in their chairs which Goldilocks breaks, and slept in their beds. Climax The climax for Goldilocks and the Three Bears is when Goldilocks awakes with a start and gets scared and runs away in a flash. Falling Action The falling action takes place when the bears find Goldilocks in little bear’s bed and Goldilocks wakes up and discovers that she was in the bears' house. Denouement Little bear went out to find the girl who destroyed his house. Once he found the girl he said “Goldilocks, Goldilocks, Goldilocks, please don't run away, I just want to talk to you, please come out and play.” so Goldilocks did and she had learned her lesson. Baby bear told her this, "Because you were dishonest with me," he reminded her of what she'd done, "I'll teach you the lesson of three". “Honesty, for the porridge you ate which was mine, Caring, for the chair you broke which was mine, Sharing, for the bed you slept in which was mine, learn these three things you'll be fine.” So Goldilocks did and she had the challenge and she keep her promise and she lived happily ever after keeping her
One autumn afternoon she went out back to empty the Mistress’s chamber pot into the privy, unaware that a visitor she thought gone had not yet departed. She opened the privy door and stepped inside. Just as she lifted the porcelain lid and prepared to pour the pot’s contents into the hole, the door opened and someone stepped inside the small
n the book, Seekers Great Bear Lake, Erin Hunter tells a story of three young bears-one black, polar, and grizzly-and a puzzling shape-shifting bear each are following a path towards a mystical destination. But then encounter the divine Great Bear Lake. Together the four bears help each other to survive the harsh attacks from other aggressive bears and the scarcity of food they find among the wild. Later on, the three bears separated to go to their own sleuths, but soon after they separated they united together once again along with Kallik the polar Lusa the black bear. It’s only after that Toklo the grizzly bear accepts other bears like Lusa the black bear and Ujurak the shape-shifting bear to join along with them to their trip to the mystical
Falling action includes the cops walking inside in the middle of Jonathan trying to murder Mortimer. The production comes to a halt when more cops and Mr. Witherspoon come in much to Jonathans dismay. The Denouement is when all the papers are signed and Aunt Martha, Aunt Abby and Teddy all go to Happy Dale.
The Story of the Three Bears is a classic tale that has been around since 1837. The tale is known to have many different authors dated back from the 1800’s. Authors such as Eleanor Mure and Robert Southey are the most known authors for their different publications of this tale. The authors included different villains in each edition. The history of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, became important because the many historical differences led to the conclusion that Robert Southey was the original author. In “The Story of the Three Bears,” the historical context featured exemplify the differences between the authors and their personal editions.
Film industries have been critiqued over their portrayal of mental illness for as long as the field of Psychology has been around, and rightly so. Films often inaccurately portray mental illnesses for the sake of dramatic effect. They will stereotype characters, label them as ‘crazy’ and unstable, and in the case of Silver Linings Playbook, cast the therapist in an uncaring, trigger happy, and unprofessional role. Psychologists are just in their outrage, because the effect on public understanding of people with mental illness is damaging, to both normal people and those who have a mental illness. To explore these issues in Silver Linings Playbook, we need to first, introduce the psychological disorders that are in the film, examine the
“My old grandpa liked to tell those stories best. There is one about Badger and Coyote who went hunting and were gone all day, and when the sun was going down they found a house. There was a girl living there alone and she had light hair and eyes and she told them they could sleep with her. Coyote wanted to be with her all night so he sent Badger into a prairie-dog hole, telling him he thought he seen something in it. As soon as Badger crawled in, Coyote blocked
His father got hurt by a car, the little brown bear was thirsty so he started searching for water to drink, he found a lake the water was dark but he was thirsty so he drank the dark water, he started to feel woozy he falls to the ground. his sister was looking for him.
They leave the snow hole in the morning. Joe abseils down a cliff, he falls down the east face and breaks his leg. Simon tries to help him get down to the camp. He abseils Joe down a few ledges. Joe tells simon to slow down but he cant hear him.
While she is scavenging for food with her cubs on the railway she sees the train, using her instincts she “roared” and “charged” at the train (Bear 71,3). Adding her to the statistic, “since 2000... 17 grizzly bears have been killed in the Bow Valley due to railway failure” (Bear 71, 3). Ultimately knowing the outcome prior due to the statistics, the conductor should have stopped the train when he saw the bear with her cubs. Understanding that bears will protect their cubs.
She knew he was lying but went along with it. One night he again asks if they can meet up and she says yes. He waited thirty minutes then heard rustling in the woods. He assumes its the girl in her bear skin cloak and walks up and puts his arms around the bears neck. The bear stands up and hugs the man.
Everyone has quirks that make him or her an individual. We filter through life, attempting to seamlessly weave our oddities into a “normal” person. As difficult as trying to fit circles into squares, the silver lining in these valiant attempts is that the “normal” person doesn’t exist. That is what writer-director David O. Russell understood when making The Silver Linings Playbook, The film is a fantastic study in how our individual quirks, though varying in degree, have the ability to render all of us completely insane.
The falling action begins with the story taking us to when Dave is surrounded by a group of people and is trying to explain what happened to the mule. He tries to lie and say that she went wild and fell on the point of the plow, but when someone notes that the hole looks like it was made by a bullet, he breaks down and tells everyone he accidentally shot the mule. Everyone starts laughing and his father talks to Mr. Hawkins to see what can be done. They agree that $2 will be taken out of Dave’s pay each month until $50 is paid off for the mule. Dave leaves the scene humiliated.
Little Red was taking baked goods. So thats tells that there was a reason that she was traveling through the forest. Then her comes Goldilocks she in someways was being selfish by entering the bears home without them knowing. She ate the food , broke the chairs , and slept in their beds. All without there permission. Both girls learned lessons with these situations. For example Little Red was told there was a wolf and still decided to go any way. Goldilocks had no purpose and no reason for going into the bears home.
Goldilocks had indeed invaded their privacy,invaded their home making the bears feel in un secure. In sense,its almost as though Goldilocks raped the Bears trust.
First, she takes a spoonful from the first bowl but is too hot, then she goes on to the second bowl, but it is too cold. Notice she doesn’t become discouraged and quit! She continues on to the third bowl of porridge and it is just right. Then Goldilocks continues to experiment with the chairs and the beds until she finds the one that is just right! And she makes