
Good And Evil In A Man In The Water

Decent Essays

Ever wondered what makes a person become evil is he born or destined to be evil, or can the people or the community around them just influence them to be evil? People and their surroundings influence evil on them. In inadequate parts of town people are influenced into evil societies such as gangs despite laws and other countermeasures. Some also act good or heroic by free will. When People decide to act based on those who influence them, however, they may choose to make decisions through free will. The influence of others can make someone do evil deeds or a heroic action. In Man in The Water the people in distress caused a man by the name of Lenny Skutnik to jump in the icy cold water to make a heroic action and save an …show more content…

Power can go to someone's head and influence them to do actions they would never imagine doing. There are many examples of this in everyday life, power can get to anyone, police officers, movie stars, singers, professional sport players or even people in charge of this great country. In the Stanford prison experiment “the fake guards were instructed to do anything they thought would be necessary to maintain control, order, law, and respect of the prisoners”. This just goes to show when put in a place of high power some may go too far and do too much to others. Evil lurks in everyone sometime it just takes a position of authority or power to release that evil. In most experiences people will go against their morals and do evil, even against what the statistics may say. In the Psychology of evil Stanley Milgram describes “the teacher was instructed to administer higher and higher electric shocks all the way up to 450 volts” “psychologist predicted that since only 1% of the population is sadistic that only 1% of the teachers would go all the way to 450 volts, but in one study, despite the fact that many people wanted to stop earlier, 90% of the teachers complied with the doctor in the white coat and administered 450 volts”. This shows how many people will go against their morals. Emotion is another big cause to good and …show more content…

Beowulf describes this perfectly with the Grendel’s mother trying to revenge the death of her beastly son. Herbert Mason says in the story of Beowulf “Grendel’s monstrous mother, in grief for her son, next attacks Herot, and her dripping claws she carries off one man, Hrothgar’s closest friend”. This story shows how grief can cause evil deeds. There are many more examples of this in Beowulf, such as when Beowulf jumped in Grendel's lair for revenge, and for Hrothgar’s good friend. Herbert Mason states “he leaped into the lake, would not wait for anyone's answer; the heaving water covered him over as he sunk for hours”. This shows how emotions can cause you to do unimaginable actions. In all, emotion is a strong

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