
Good And Evil In Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'The Scarlet Letter'

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Scarlet Letter Journal Entry #3 The major, prominent themes portrayed in this novel are sin, knowledge, and the human condition, the nature of evil, and identity and society. The novel being of strong Puritan faith, involves religion as a whole. The Bible’s first story involves Adam Eve who got banned from the Garden of Eden due to their betrayal- they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, something God specifically asked them not to do. This “fruit” make Adam and Eve self-aware, they acknowledge the differences they possess from the “divine being” and the other animals, causing a severe separation. This theme relates to Hester and Dimmesdale’s affair, for they both come into contact with being shunned, and having major suffering. However, it creates a knowledge …show more content…

Hester’s letter “A” allows her to think more deeply about her community, and be seen bolder than the other women in the town. For Dimmesdale, it’s the burden he must live with that grants him the ability to stay humble, and stand in unison with the other citizens. Hester’s and Dimmesdale’s sin causes them to work harder, and act kinder, in an act of repentance, whereas the town’s people see it as a way out of heaven entirely. The nature of evil is personified in the minds of the characters, and they constantly refer to him as the “Black Man.” This “Black Man” becomes appointed towards Dimmesdale, Chillingworth, Mistress Hibbins, and Pearl- thought to be the spawn of Satan. The debates over the cause of sin- did Chillingworth cause Hester to sin, by forcing her to marry him? Did Hester and Dimmesdale’s sin create the evil inside of Chillingworth?- depicts the vagueness of the idea Puritan’s have about sin. Identity and society are all about the way you see yourself, and the way you’re perceived by others. Hester remaining in Boston, despite her ability to leave, and her obedience to wear the scarlet letter shows her refusal to let society

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