
Good And Evil In Shakespeare's Macbeth

Decent Essays

Suzy Kassem, once said, “Everybody has good and bad forces working with them, against them, and within them.” In “Macbeth Play,” Macbeth is telling Lady Macbeth, “I can’t go back. I’m afraid even to think about what I’ve done. I can’t stand to look at it again.” (Shakespeare 1611). In the beginning of the play Shakespeare introduces you to Macbeth a good, and admirable man, before he turned to the dark side, to show that he had good in him once before all the ambition took over him. “On the battle-field he maintained a natural cheerfulness; under the power of evil forebodings he becomes weak” (Gervinus 1849). “So this man in whom evil wars with good, callous desire with moral sensitivity; in whom moral vitality still flickers for a moment”

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